Tuesday, July 23, 2013

All The Little Things

 Song of the moment: Carry On ~ Fun
 listen to it here 

   So something magical happened a few nights ago. I had one of those moments  of epiphany where suddenly something that I never fully understood  or accepted about myself and the way I effect other people was reveled to me. It looked kind of like this in my head.

Much better than some boring old light-bulb


    So what led to the image of Sam and Dean Winchesters gaping mouths of excitement to fester into my brain? The answer to that is  something so simple  that I had overlooked  it  by default. With that statement it is time to elaborate.

 So back in high school, which for  me was whopping two years ago, I was in  my school  color guard. For  those people who don't know what I'm talking about here is the wiki page take a second to look it over. I'll wait

Color Guard

So that was what i was in. Now we always had a our own camp just the guard before band camp started and in the final night we had a sort of initiation.We would get rounded up in the middle of the night, blindfolded, walked around a little bit then we would go to a certain place and have a ceremony we called candlelight. Here  the whole guard plus any alumni and our directors would come and light a candle and share stories about our group. It was great fun and sine now I have graduated I come as an alumni I get to come and see the bright new faces as they embark on the journey of colorguard. So this is where I was at when it happened.

Now last spring we have a thing called winterguard which was a competitive season of just guard where we combined my old high school and a college guard ( which I was spinning for) we had only a few interested girls, mostly from my high school but we were a good little group and we learned ( or my cause taught) a lot and i did get to know the girls i spun with a little bit but i never got very close and I had no idea if anyone of them would miss me at all.

Which is why when I went to the candlelight and two  of the girls who had spun with me come up and ( one of them nearly knocked me to the ground) expressed how much they missed me and tell me about what was going on. It took me for a bit of a suprise because I had not spend really any time with these  girls outside of guard functions and It takes me a while to make close connections with people. So for two girls who I didn't get to know to terribly well to have missed me as much as the did really hit me hard. That had not happen to me before that I can remember. So I was left thinking what led to this strong of a bond.

I started to think about the season and as I did  a picture  started to form of small moments.  The help with a toss that I gave.The  small conversation during practice or the longer ones on the bus to competitions. It was all the take it for granted moments. All The Little Things.

I think a certain level we don't realize the effect we have on other people. We know they see and hear us  and even spending time with someone means that you at least know them fairly well but it takes moments like things to remind you that it can be more than even what a person  consciously take in. This epiphany  filled me with great joy as a person who has felt fairly invisible all her life to know that even the little things I did made a difference is those girls life. This also makes me think about how I live each day because those little things you do really do count.

So the question I have for anybody who reads this  is their  a person in your life that you only have talked to a little but they miss you  a lot or vice versa? Have you talked to them recently? Also how do you live day to day with the people you are  around because it is making an effect whether you know it or not.

That's all for now. Have a blessed day

The Doctor says live long and prosper. Yes I am that much of a geek.


Monday, June 17, 2013

High expectations and what should be done with them.

Song of the moment: Great Pumpkin Waltz ~Vince Guaraldi  Trio
If you want to hear it, click here

This month was a big month for me. A lot of exciting things were happing that I got to see/experience. First off my favorite singer Darren Criss is going on a nation wide tour this summer and I was able to see him in concert at the beginning of this month . This was a huge deal for me and I expected everything to be perfect. EVERYTHING. It had to be the best night of my entire life up to that point. The next thing was  the movie Man of Steel  coming out and as my blog title indicates I am a HUGE fan of Superman and like the above concert I expected  everything to go perfectly .I expected  to be able to see the movie at midnight and that it was going to the best movie ever. I spent weeks ( for the concert since i didn't know it was happening till late April) and years ( I have been a superman fan for a while and found out this movie was going to happen in 2010. I have been looking forward to it ever since then.) imagining what those events would be like. Needless to say a lot of pressure was riding on these things the be fabulous.
Now that both things are finished I can say that they didn't live even close to those expectations.

This image flashed in my head as I thought about even typing that last line.

Of course I knew they wouldn't. Nothing in life ever works that well.  I've lived enough on this earth to know that if you go in with expectations too high then you will always be disappointed. I mean I went to the concert thinking that nothing would keep me from being able to see Darren really well only to get block by people standing in front of me who were taller then me. Which was  something I seemed to have not  thought of as a possibility. Which in hindsight is incredibly stupid but unavoidable with the mindset I had. I simply  wouldn't allow myself to think of the negative things that might have happen going in because it would have ruined my excitement  for it and that seemed worse to me. I couldn't let that happen . That kept me in that mindset and  I let the expectations blind me of negative possibilities. 

A similar thing happened  when my plans for seeing Man of Steel at midnight fell through. I had  wanted to go to the midnight opening along with the other die-hard fans who went out to see it but those plans fell through .I went to see it the next day but it wasn't  quite the same . Also when I watch the movie I  expected to find it to be much better then it ended it up being. Again I had fallen victim to the high expectations I placed on those events. 

I mean both of these  experiences  were great but because I came in with these expectations the experiences  were bound to fail me and after having my expectations shattered I couldn't help but feel really stupid. I  should have  known better than to keep my  expectations so high it was begging for trouble.  
So what should I do in the future. Should I  do the reverse? Should I  kept my expectations so low that it feels like a drag to enjoy experiences  that I might of originally been to excited for. Sure I might  enjoy those things  a lot more  if I expected them to be horrible but how would that translate to total enjoyment of something when I would never look forward to anything. That doesn't seem like a great idea to me.The best answer I have  for it is that I should aim to have expectation  that coincide with the realities of the event.Be prepared for the worst but  hope for the best and while that sounds great in writing in practice it is going to be hard to do.

So I  ask this question to anybody who reads this. What do you do about high expectations. Do you keep them high for some things only to know that you will get disappointed or do you do the reverse and go in with low expectations?

 (Also this is my first full blog post, if anybody would like to give me CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM  that will help me become a better writer please do.)

That's all for now. Have a Blessed Day,


Sunday, May 19, 2013


Song of the moment: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark ~ Fall Out Boy

I felt it important before I dive into my posting  to give some basic info about myself and what  plan to write about. Sorry about the awkward of that.

 My name is Lydia. I'm 20 years old. I  live in a small Texas city. ( Not town, small city we have about 120,000 people here.) I'm in  college as well as working at a fast-food place.  I plan to become a video editor in the future. Both my parents are married and i have  three siblings ( one half brother, two sisters) and two siblings in law ( a sister and brother) I'm single and I don't care. I enjoy doing colorguard/winterguard. Also  I  am very much  nerdy fangirl of somethings.

Most of these blogs with be about random things I found important enough to write about or interests of mine. If you also like them then I hope you will enjoy my blog.I probably won't include much of my actually life because it is terribly bland. I also may include stories or different blog challenges. Also  since I am a fangirl I may put of fan fic or fanvids or my favorite stuff. That's all  for the intro I hope you enjoy my future posts. Oh and by the way .

Also I love gifs so they will be here a lot.

Plus each   post will have a song of the moment  because  I generally listen to music when I'm writing. Don't you?